Developer Experience with Spring Cloud

Spencer Gibb, Dave Syer, 2015


Cloud Native Contracts


With thanks to @littleidea

Developer Experience

  • Microservices lead to a very open flexible architecture
  • Developer needs to work on isolated codebase
  • No-one wants to re-deploy the universe for every commit
  • What tools and techniques are available to help?
  • How can Spring, Spring Cloud, Cloud Foundry play a role?

Devops open data

  • "if you build it you run it" (or at least "own it")
  • 12-factor principles, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Environment support
  • logs (sensible defaults, stdout)
  • actuator endpoints: /trace, /routes, /mappings, /env, /configprops, /beans, /autoconfig

Debugging and fault finding

Your app won’t always work first time. How to diagnose the problem?

  • collecting logs from remote system (/logs endpoint and cf logs)
  • changing log levels at runtime
  • other useful actuator endpoints: /env, /trace, /mappings, /autoconfig
  • feature switches
  • remote debugger (see later: Spring Boot Devtools)
  • deploy locally

Service discovery background


Spring Cloud Discovery

  • spring-cloud-commons: useful abstractions DiscoveryClient, LoadBalancer, @EnableServiceDiscovery
  • spring-cloud-netflix: Eureka and Ribbon
  • spring-cloud-consul: Hashicorp Consul
  • spring-cloud-zookeeper: Zookeeper
  • spring-cloud-cloudfoundry: cloud controller API
  • spring-cloud-lattice: receptor (diego controller) API

Cloud Foundry native discovery

  • Uses the Cloud Controller API
  • Discovery only, no registration
  • Requests are made through gorouter

Lattice native discovery

  • Uses the Receptor API from Diego
  • Discovery only, no registration
  • Adds 'cloud' and 'lattice' profiles
  • Connectors (using service name)

    • Mysql, Redis & Rabbitmq

Eureka on Lattice & Cloud Foundry

  • Eureka can run on Lattice and CF
  • Provides discovery and registration
  • Can be managed on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (Commercial)

Routing from remote system to IDE

Local dev architecture
  • local dev experience
  • use proxy to tunnel back to IDE (e.g. ngrok)
  • demo with Boot Dashboard

Loadbalancer configuration models

  • flag to enable local route
  • prefer route that “looks local”
  • flag a request (e.g. header with correlation ID)

Customizing Ribbon

  • Ribbon is a client side smart load-balancer from Netflix OSS
  • IRule: Load-balancing algorithm (round-robin, random, etc…​)
  • ServerList: Where to get the list of servers to load-balance.

    • ConfigurationBasedServerList:

      • ribbon.<clientname>.listOfServers property

    • DiscoveryEnabledNIWSServerList: via eureka
    • ConsulServerList: via hashicorp consul
    • ZookeeperServerList: …​

  • ServerListFilter: filters list of servers.

Ribbon Annotations

  • @RibbonClients

    • Optionally defines default java config classes for all ribbon clients.
    • Allows multiple @RibbonClient annotations.

  • @RibbonClient: allows configuration for a named ribbon client.

Ribbon in Integration Tests

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = MyTests.Application.class)
@WebIntegrationTest(randomPort = true)
public class MyTests { /*...*/
  @RibbonClient(name = "localapp",
       configuration = LocalRibbonClientConfig.class)
  protected static class Application { /*...*/ }

  static class LocalRibbonClientConfig {
    private int port = 0;

    public ServerList<Server> ribbonServerList() {
      return new StaticServerList<>(new Server("localhost", this.port));


High level:

  • Greenfield (dependent services don’t exist yet, write stubs)
  • Brownfield (dependent services exist and have published stubs)

Example tools/approaches:

  • publish producer stubs vs. consumer tests
  • "forced stubbing": micro-infra from 4finance
  • ad-hoc stubbing: accurest, wiremock, stubby4j, Spring MVC
  • embedded stubs vs. remote stubs

Stubbing Brownfield Services

  • Create Wiremock stubs using tests or dsl

    • AccuREST uses a groovy dsl to create integration tests and stubs.
    • Spring REST Docs uses tests to generate snippets for documentation and can be used to create stubs.

  • Run Wiremock using generated stubs
  • Run consuming services against Wiremock stubs

Stubbing: AccuREST DSL

Generates a MockMVC test and a Wiremock stub

import io.codearte.accurest.dsl.GroovyDsl

GroovyDsl groovyDsl = GroovyDsl.make {
    request {
        method 'GET'
        url '/foo'
    response {
        status 200
        headers {
            header 'Content-Type' : 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
        body '''{ "value" : 42 }'''

Stubbing: Spring REST Docs

public void setup() {
    this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(this.context)
                    new WiremockStubSnippet()))

public void foo() {

Stubbing: Wiremock Stub

    "request": {
        "method": "GET",
        "url": "/foo"
    "response": {
        "status": 200,
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
        "body": "{\"value\":42}"

Greenfield Stubbing: Spring MVC

public class StubFleetLocationServiceApplication {

	public String home() {
		return "forward:/stubs/locations.json";



Nice side effect: mock MVC and restdocs for tests and docs can be used to verify real service contract

Stubbing: 4finance stubrunner

  • Publish stub files to nexus repository (or local maven repo)
  • Describe all services dependencies in application.yml
  • Stubrunner uses list of dependencies

    • Grabs stubs from repository
    • Runs a wiremock server for each dependency using fetched stubs
    • Registers server in service discovery

  • Consuming service can function against stubs (DEMO)

Hot reloading and code swapping

  • Basic IDE features (JVM hotswap and resource reload)
  • Spring Boot devtools - app restart and browser plugin
  • STS
  • Spring Loaded (Grails, JHipster)
  • JRebel

Hot reloading locally

App monitors its classpath and restarts when changes detected:

Hot reload local architecture no browser plugin

Hot reloading with browser

Browser plugin automatically refreshes views:

Hot reload local architecture

Hot reloading and debugging

Hot reloading of “local” application code deployed on Cloud Foundry / Lattice

TODO: Hot reload architecture
  • Spring Boot support via devtools
  • classloader flushes dirty resources
  • remote debug also possible (but slow)


How does new code enter a build pipeline and get promoted to production?

  • adhoc deployment and mixed local-remote is great for dev time
  • always automated downstream
  • always part of CI process
  • stay close to production platform (e.g. use Cloud Foundry for everything)
  • don’t redeploy the universe for every change

Debugging requests

  • live vs. historic
  • /trace endpoint
  • distributed tracing (http and messages)
  • cf/lattice logs (http and messages)
  • (http)

Database/middleware: Docker

  • standard docker images exist for all common middleware
  • perfect for development
  • can be used in production with care

Middleware: Discovery and DI

How to wire up your application code to required middleware, and make the same code run in all environments?

  • use autoconfiguration
  • use Spring Cloud Connectors (a bit)
  • use Spring Cloud Stream for messaging

Provisioning a system for testing

  • Docker compose (great for repeatability)
  • Locally with VirtualBox
  • Remotely: Lattice AWS, PCF, etc.
  • CI systems native support (travis, bamboo, etc.)
