Dave Syer, 2014
Twitter: @david_syer
Email: dsyer@pivotal.io
(Security for Microservices with Spring)
Stop bad guys from accessing your resources
Identity and permissions:
$ curl "https://$username:$password@myhost/resource"
class Application {
def home() {
[status: 'OK']
$ curl -k --cert rod.pem:password https://localhost:8443/hello
and friendshttps://github.com/SpringOne2GX-2014/microservice-security/tree/master/pairs/spring-session
Example command line Client:
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" https://myhost/resource
is a Resource ServerTOKEN
is a Bearer Token@EnableResourceServer
class ResourceServer {
JwtTokenStore tokenStore() throws Exception {
JwtAccessTokenConverter enhancer =
new JwtAccessTokenConverter()
new JwtTokenStore(enhancer)
N.B. in a real system you would have to configure the verifierKey (or use JdbcTokenStore)
class AuthorizationServer extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
Example of implementation (from Cloud Foundry UAA, JWT = signed, base64-encoded, JSON):
{ "client_id":"cf",
"iss": "https://login.run.pivotal.io",
"jti":"f724ae9a-7c6f-41f2-9c4a-526cea84e614" }
A further level of abstraction to make common microservice security use cases really easy to implement
class Demo {
$ spring jar app.jar app.groovy
$ cf push -p app.jar
(That's it.)
Answer: configuration conventions. The app was bound to a service
$ cf bind-service app sso
and the service provides credentials.
To create the same bindings manually (e.g. in application.yml
tokenUri: https://login.run.pivotal.io/oauth/token
authorizationUri: https://login.run.pivotal.io/oauth/authorize
clientId: acme
clientSecret: ${CLIENT_SECRET}
tokenInfoUri: http://uaa.run.pivotal.io/check_token
id: openid
serviceId: ${PREFIX:}resource
class Demo {
def home() { [id: UUID.randomUUID().toString(), content: "Hello Remote"] }
How does it work? Same as @EnableOAuth2Sso
(bind to service
providing credentials for conventional external configuration).
With backend services CORS restrictions make reverse proxy useful (@EnableZuulProxy
Then you can acquire tokens in the client app and relay them to back end.
With no backend services, don't be shy, use the session (authorization code flow is vastly superior).
Spring Session helps a lot too.
Front end app sends SSO token with user credentials to authenticate back end requests, back ends just relay it to each other as necessary.
Simple but possibly flawed: the front end only needs access to user details to authenticate, but you need to give it permission to do other things to allow it access to the back ends.
Idea: exchange (with full authentication) the incoming token for an outgoing one with different permissions (client but not scope). Can use password grant (e.g. with the incoming token as a password).
class Demo {
combined with @EnableOAuth2Sso
that attaches the current user token to downstream requests/